Join Radio Hillingdon

Volunteer and Join our Team

If you are interested in helping out as a volunteer, we would like to hear from you. We are always looking for people to do a variety of jobs at the hospital, from visiting patients on the wards, through to fundraising, and sometimes presenting programmes.

NOTE: We are unable to take on Work Experience placements.

We currently have enough trainee presenters who will be trained over the next few months so please wait before applying to be a presenter.
Please note that you will be required to complete an application form, supply 2 referees, under take a Disclosure and Barring Scheme Check (formerly C.R.B) and complete an Occupational Health Questionnaire. There is also a 3 month probationary membership period, during which you will be expected to prove you will be an asset to the team by attending the studios, watching other presenters present their shows and assist where needed.

We regret that due to current Health and Safety regulations, we are no longer able to accept volunteers under the age of 18. If you would like to read our constitution you can download it HERE.

Please complete the form below to request further information and a full application form.
Subject: (Please select) *

Your Name: *

Your Email: *

Your Phone Number: *

Your Address: *

In the   Message   field below please briefly tell us why you would make a good volunteer for Radio Hillingdon and where you heard about us.

Message: *
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